Sunday, June 20, 2010

My path thus far

At 35 I have studied many religions and philosophies, I have seen beauty and magic in all of them. As a practitioner of Eastern Medicine and Spiritual Healing, I also feel a deeper connection to my practice as a Nichiren Buddhist (SGI).

My past has been filled with terror, abuse, sexual torture and post traumatic stress disorder. With my Buddhist practice I have found a peace that comes without measure, I have become a survivor and victorious vs. being a victim of my past.

When I chant "Nam Myho Renge Kyo" I feel empowered, charged and enlightened in my heart, and very being...

When I first started chanting to my Gohonzon, I didn't see the Buddha in the mirror, I was quite frail, with a distorted image of self and spirit. With a supportive family and SGI community I walked by the mirror and winked, recognizing that my continued practice has polished my mirror to reveal my true soul's purpose and Buddha nature.

Through death threats, violence and natural disasters, I have continued to have faith and conviction in the power of others. I love my SGI community and hope that this blog can be a sacred space, and sharing space for like Buddhists.

With all my love and devotion,

Your Myho Sister..Teresa